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Get to know the Grisons Meat

Get to know the Grisons Meat

What do you know about Grisons meat?

Produced in Switzerland, this air-dried raw cured product is a specialty of the canton of Graubünden / Grisons. PGI (Protected geographical indication) certified since September 2000, only pieces of meat that are actually dried and processed in the Graubünden region are allowed to bear this prestigious name. Grisons meat is mostly consumed inside Switzerland with a smaller part exported within Europe, to North America, and to Japan.

Made from large pieces of beef muscle, it is usually rectangular in shape, of a firm consistency with a deep red color on the inside. The production process relies on the addition of staphylococci through cultures such as LALCULT® Protect Cure+ as it improves the curing properties and has a positive effect on the sensory properties (color, aroma, and tenderness of the meat fibers). Staphylococci also delivers bioprotective effects such as surface protection from undesirable contaminants.
Cultures composed of Penicillium such as MEAT SURFACE® PV7-1 are also used during the ripening process as they promote the development of aromas and protect the meat from oxidation. Penicillium is then brushed off by the end of the ripening time.

Interested to learn more about our surface and ripening cultures? Contact us!


Published Nov 17, 2021