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Our meat ripening GY2 culture awarded

Our meat ripening GY2 culture awarded

🏆Lallemand meat culture in the best handmade salami in Brazil!

A salami made with our meat ripening culture GY2 has won the silver medal in the CNA Brasil Artesanal 2023, a Charcuterie award that rewards the best producers of salami (Italian type).

The prize was awarded to Zampa Grigia a customer of our Brazilian distributor Globalfood Advanced Food Technology. Besides being a family business, which greatly values the local culture, Zampa Grigia breed of their own animals, having control over the whole production chain from the raw materials to the end products.

The CNA Brasil Artesanal Award is an initiative of the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock’ national program for artisanal and traditional foods aimed at enhancing the value of small and medium-sized rural producers, focusing on professionalizing the activity and adding value to the food they produce.

Congratulations to Zampa Grigia and Globalfood!

➡️ Discover our meat ripening range

Read more about CNA and Globalfood

Published Jul 3, 2023