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Read our co-written article with Globalfood on Carne magazine

Read our co-written article with Globalfood on Carne magazine

Brazil has a strong domestic market for dry fermented and cured meat products. However, increasing consumers’ demands as well as the growing home or artisanal charcuterie segment request both a high level of food quality, safety and good meat processing standards.
Meat ripening and surface cultures are one important tool for meat producers as they are used worldwide to improve flavor, color, texture, shelf-life and guarantee a stable, safe and repeatable result.

Joerg Duepjan (Business Development Director – Lallemand Specialty Cultures) and Juliane Schneider (Product Development & Technical Sales Manager – Globalfood Advanced Food Technology worked in collaboration to transfer their meat culture expertise to the Brazilian market.
Lallemand and Globalfood Advanced Food Technology share the same approach and strive to offer the best level of service to train and support the producers.
Read the full article to learn more about the use of cultures for fermented and cured meat products (Brazilian Portuguese language). (Pages 50 to 54)

Don’t hesitate to contact the LSC team via LinkedIn or via email: for additional information.

Published Jan 5, 2022